High Sunderland Hall

High Sunderland Hall near Halifax is believed by many Bronte experts to have provided the main inspiration for the mansion of Wuthering Heights in Emily Bronte's novel of the same name.
The building was demolished a long time ago and the site provides little to see, most tourists heading instead for the ruined farmstead of Top Withens near Haworth which is (rightly or wrongly) more popularly associated with the location of Wuthering Heights.
Emily Bronte worked for a time as a school mistress at Law Hill House in nearby Southowram, and it is likely that she would have passed by on more than one occassion. Contemporary descriptions, paintings and photos of High Sunderland Hall taken before its demolition in 1051 certainly seem to bear out its resemblance to the mansion of Wuthering Heights in the eponymous novel.
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